“The Replacements” are a group of living history enthusiasts from Holland, brought together by a common interest in Military life during World War 2
Who are we, what do we do and why?
All of us are ordinary men and women with ordinary jobs and other occupation, but during events we turn into a real “Band of Brothers”. Our group owns no vehicles; some members do but the most rely on their own boots.
Our goal is to try recreate the conditions (at the front line) during WW2 at re-enactment events, by setting up displays with (mostly original) equipment and uniforms. We feel it’s our duty to remember the generation that gave their all for the liberation of Europe.
“Proud to wear the uniform, in honor of our Liberators”
Click here to learn more about the “Old Hickory in the Netherlands”

Main: 30th Division old hickory
Zuid Limburg
101st US Airborne Division
D-Day, Market Garden and Battle of the Bulge
82nd US Airborne Division
D-Day, Market Garden and Battle of the Bulge
website: https://thereplacements.nl/